

Daily schedule of classroom sessions.
Complete homework (listed in the Assignments column) before class starts on that day.
The Pages column contains links to materials we will use during class that day and are not part of the homework.

Mondays are marked by bold font.
non-class days are marked by italices.

In-class peer work due to Gradescope by 11PM each Friday (scribe completes for the group). Group work assessments provided via this link each week by 11PM Friday (manager completes for the group).




In-Class Page(s)

Jan 30

Welcome and Introduction


Tinbergen’s Four Analyses;

Feb 1


Konrad Lorenz Here am I. Where are You? (1988) pg 82-89

Components: day 1

Feb 6


Konrad Lorenz Here am I. Where are You? (1988) pg 89-102 (summarize for yourself: ritualization, superimposition, learning);
Tinbergen 1952 The Curious Behavior of the Stickleback. Scientific American (1952) pg 22-24*

Components: day 2

Feb 8


Complete the data analysis and questions on Stickleback aggression from last class;
Complete the question about stickleback action specific potential from last class;
Read this editorial about Margaret Morse;
Watch this video and name&define 3-5 distinct behaviors that you observe


Feb 13


Altmann 1973 Sampling Methods
Focus your attention on understanding continuous versus interval and scan versus focal methods (so sections V and IX) because these are the methods we will implement in class. The Introduction (I) and Sampling Variables (II) sections discuss concepts we have already touched on in class so are good to read for review. For all other sections, I would recommend skimming them enough to get a sense of the method (enough to write a one sentence summary/reminder for future you that comes back to the document for reference). This paper is a heavily used and cited reference for sampling methods in animal behavior research overall.


Feb 15


Meerkat activity budget analysis from last class

Phylogeny: day 1

Feb 17

Exam released

Part 1 (Components of Behavior, Observation, and Analysis)

Components of Behavior, Observation, and Analysis

Feb 20



Phylogeny: day 2

Feb 22


Complete the phylogeny of behavior assignment from last class; Come prepared with responses to your exploration of this natural selection simulation

Evolution: day 1

Feb 24

Exam DUE

Part 1 (Components of Behavior, Observation, and Analysis) Due by 11pm

Components of Behavior, Observation, and Analysis

Feb 27


Alcock and Rubenstein text pg 183-184;
P.M. Meire, A. Ervynck (1986) Are oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus) selecting the most profitable mussels (Mytilus edulis)?, Animal Behaviour 34(5)

Evolution: day 2

March 1


Huberman Podcast: Understanding and Controlling Aggression;
Please fill out this anonymous midterm-ish feedback survey

Neural: Day 1

March 3

Exam released

Part 2 (Phylogeny and Evolution)

Summative Assessment

March 6


review Konrad Lorenz Here am I. Where are You? (1988) pg 83-88 if you need a refresher;
Ronacher, B. Innate releasing mechanisms and fixed action patterns: basic ethological concepts as drivers for neuroethological studies on acoustic communication in Orthoptera. J Comp Physiol A 205, 33–50 (2019) stopping at the section that starts with “Exploring innate releasing mechanisms” on pg 37;
If you have not already, please fill out this anonymous midterm-ish feedback survey

Neural: Day 2

March 8


The Fantastical World Of Hormones With Dr John Wass

Hormonal Mechanisms

March 10

Exam DUE

Part 2 (Phylogeny and Evolution) Due by 11pm

Summative Assessment

March 11-26

Spring Break

March 27


Nature and Nurture Podcast: EP11 - Social Behavior of Rodents with Dr. Hopi Hoekstra (minutes 0-10 address Hoekstra’s genetic basis of behavior work more directly and you can stop at 10min if you want, then she talks more about general culture of lab and science and work-life balance)

Genetic Mechanisms

March 29

Endogenous Rhythms

Levy et al (2021) Lifelong exposure to artificial light at night impacts stridulation and locomotion activity patterns in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Proc R Soc B, 288, Sections: *Abstract, Introduction, Methods(a) Rearing Conditions, Figure 2, Results(d) Artificial light at night elicited three types of activity patterns, Figure 5, and Discussion.

Endogenous Rhythms

April 3


The Animal Behavior Podcast, S2E6: Karen Warkentin on Treefrogs, Phenotypic Plasticity, and Linking Gender & Sexuality Studies with Biology (the first half is the discussion of research);
The Animal Behavior Podcast, S2E3: Swanne Gordon on Evolution of Polymorphism and Diversity in Biological Sciences (the first half is the discussion of research)


April 5


Lohmann, K., & Lohmann, C. (1996). Orientation and open-sea navigation in sea turtles. The Journal of experimental biology, 199(Pt 1), 73–81.


April 7

Exam released

Part 3 (Neural, Hormonal, Genetic, and Development)

Summative Assessment

April 10


Jun Liu, Monika Scholz (2020) Neural Circuits: Turning away from danger eLife 9:e59910;
Catania K. C. (2011). The brain and behavior of the tentacled snake. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1225, 83–89.


April 12

Communication - proximate

The Animal Behavior Podcast, S2E4: Jesse Goldberg on Neurobiology and Vocal Learning in Song Birds

Communication: Proximate

April 14

Exam DUE

Part 3 (Neural, Hormonal, Genetic, and Development) Due by 11pm

Summative Assessment

April 17

Communication - ultimate

The Animal Behavior Podcast, S2E2: Tamra Mendelson on Signal Evolution and Processing Bias

Communication: Ultimate

April 19

Social Spectrum - Grouping and Cooperation

The Animal Behavior Podcast, S2E7: Gerry Carter on Animal Cooperation and Incentive Structures in Academia

Grouping and Cooperation

April 24

Social Spectrum - Eusociality and Altruism

Common Descent: Episode 111 Eusociality (from minute ~39 to ~120)


April 26

Sexual Selection

Common Descent Podcast E63: Sexual Selection (from minute ~36-106)

Sexual Selection

May 1

Family Life: Mating Systems

The Animal Behavior Podcast, S2E5: Nora H. Prior on Social Interactions - Linking Brain and Behavior;
Young et al (1999) Increased affiliative response to vasopressin in mice expressing the V1a receptor from a monogamous vole. 400(6746):766-8

Mating Systems

May 3

Family Life: Parental Care

The Science of Love from Dr. Bianca Jones Marlin;
Bendesky, A., Kwon, YM., Lassance, JM. et al. The genetic basis of parental care evolution in monogamous mice. Nature 544, 434–439 (2017) (we will focus on this one more in class);
Lotem, A. Learning to recognize nestlings is maladaptive for cuckoo Cuculus canorus hosts. Nature 362, 743–745 (1993). (we will focus on this one less in class)

Parental Care

May 4

Exam released

Part 4 (Understanding Behavior)

Summative Assessment

May 8

Bring your capstone drafts to class


May 10

Bring your capstone drafts to class


May 10

Exam DUE

Part 4 (Understanding Behavior) Due by 11pm

Summative Assessment

May 16

Capstone DUE


May 11-15 Reading Period May 16-19 Final Exam Period