Fifth Hour

Our time, outside of lab and with a shared computer scrreen, to go over tools and concepts related to the labs.


Week 1 on Wed, Sept 7 at 2:30-3:30

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Week 2 on Tues, Sept 13 at 1:30-2:30

Re-do of a video giving you a tour through the data processing and analysis tools for the EOD data this week

Original recording from Tuesday. After doing a walkthrough of the Data Explorer notebook during 5th hour I made some edits to simplify the work that I was asking you to do for the week. So the notebook shown here is different than the one you are actually working with (see link to a re-made video above).

Week 3 on Wed, Sept 21 at 2:30-3:30


  • V=IR and T=RC experiment design and analysis review

  • CAP examples and more visualization of the concept

  • What data from Part II. Experiment 1 would you compare in a single panel?

  • Figure quality tips

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Bonus video showing a demo of the analysis notebook for this week

I made this Electrode Geometry document (found in the “howto” section of the website) that reviews some of the utility and impact of electrode geometry in examining neural activity. This phenomena depends on a combination of a neuron’s space constant and action potential duration.

Week 4 on Tues, Sept 27 at 1:30-2:30


  • isi, rate, smoothed time series (week 2 analysis)

  • conduction velocity of instantaneously conducted electrical events

  • polarity of voltage measurement

  • CAP interpretation

  • isolation of an action potential on each and between both measurement electrodes

  • experimental versus control data… ie. what is the experiment testing, and what other variables changed across experimental bouts that would interfere with ability to interpret experimental results if not controlled for.

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Video talking through the expectations for Prompt Responses this week

Video showing a demo of the analysis tools for this week that will make it faster for you to measure time between events on each trial

Week 5 on Wed, Oct 4 at 2:30-3:30


  • intro to electronics theory for next lab

  • CV from stimulus vs ch to ch

  • Figure and caption formatting and references to figures

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Fig. 5 A summary of some of the edits we talked about today to bring the presentation and communication of your results to the next level.

Week 6 on Tues, Oct 11 at 1:30-2:30


  • Wrap up computational model formulation

  • implement the computational model in computer script

  • run simulations of the computational models

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Week 7 on Wed, Oct 18 at 2:30-3:30

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Week 8 on Wed, Nov 2 at 2:30-3:30

I went to upload the link to the recording from the meeting today and found that it did not record. Oof.

Here is a re-recorded video of an orientation to the MRO analysis. The most important thing to know before you get started is to read the prompts for this week before diving into the Colab Data Explorer for the week. There are lots of instructions in the Data Explorer that lead you through way more steps than you actually need to do for this week (it was written for the other universe in which you all collected your own rad data). The Prompts specify in what way you should be utilizing specific tools in the Data Explorer and to what extent for the example data provided. The processing and analysis this week is minimal. Most of the response prompt content is qualitative.

We reviewed concepts of Conduction Velocity today, so get in touch with me if you want to go over that.

And finally, I gave some background to prep you for concepts scaffolding Monday’s experiment. Most of what I talked about is in the landing page. I did not get into specific protocol overview because we ran out of time. We will also go over the most relevant bits of this background info on Monday in lab.

Week 9 on Tuesday, Nov 8 at 1:30-2:30

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Week 10 on Wednesday, Nov 16 at 2:30-3:30

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Week 11 No Meeting

Week 12 on Wednesday, Nov 30 at 2:30-3:30.

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