Welcome to Neurophysiology Lab
Welcome to Neurophysiology LabΒΆ
This is a course designed to deepen your understanding of fundamental principles of neurophysiology, guide your skills in neuroscience data processing and analysis, and enforce effective science communication.
You can navigate the course website using the menu bar to the left. The table of contents below gives you an overview of the course materials as well as links to each section.
Weekly Chapters
- Week 1. Introduction to Passive Physiology Principles
- Week 2. Electric Organ Discharge
- Week 3. Giant Fiber - CAP
- Week 4. Giant Fiber - Conduction Velocity
- Week 5. Giant Fiber - AP - Surgery
- Week 6. Computational Models
- Week 7. Giant Fiber - AP
- Week 8. Muscle Receptor Organ
- Week 9. ElectroRetinoGram
- Week 10-11. Synaptic Connectivity
- Week 12. Human Motor Neuron Coding
- Week 13. Capstone
Future Directions